There may be times when it makes sense to consider an open source-based DBMS like Postgres along side your Oracle databases. The session will cover how to migrate from Oracle to Postgres, quickly and without risk, by taking advantage of automated tools to analyze and convert definitions, tables, views, stored procedures and indexes.

Introducing the latest Database from Oracle: Oracle Database 19c.  Oracle Database 19c is currently slated to be a "Long Term Support Release" meaning there is good reason for many customers to consider upgrading to Database 19c as older database versions including 11x and 12x will be moving into desupported mode.  This session will cover what's…

Have you ever been overwhelmed looking at an AWR report and not sure where to start?  I will show you the different types of AWR reports,  information that is contained within each section and how you can use it to tune and troubleshoot your database.  I will provide examples of how I've used the reports…

The 2019 edition of “YOUR machine and MY database - a performing relationship!?” is intended to be an information for Oracle DBAs, DB developers and system administrators who want to learn more about how today's databases, modern operating systems, hypervisors and current hardware works together. Databases affect machines, machines affect databases. Optimizing one is pointless…

We know different IO types that are used by the database. The DB need them, to fullfill its tasks. This lecture shows how and where they are different, and explains the advantanges and disadvantages of each. We will talk about access to tablespaces, online/archived redo logs and different file types connected to the instance. I'll include…

An exciting new feature of Oracle Database 18c is "Centrally Managed Users" (CMU). This, for the first time, allows for simple and complete user management integration with Active Directory (AD). No additional licenses required! Previously, Oracle Enterprise User Security (EUS) was needed as an intermediate component bridging the Oracle Database to Active Directory. And while…

Oracle Database In-Memory introduces a new in-memory columnar format that is compatible with all existing applications. This session will explore how Database In-Memory enables "Real-Time Analytics" by allowing analytic style queries to be run directly on source data. It will also explore the key performance enhancing features of Database In-Memory including in-memory scans, predicate push down, hash joins with bloom filters, vector group by aggregation, and new high-performance features like In-Memory Expressions and Join Groups.

When databases get ever larger and larger, backing them up using traditional RMAN backupsets will quickly get unfeasible. Completing a backup requires too much time and resources, but more importantly the same also applies to restores. RMAN has always provided a solution as incrementally updated image copies, but they are much less manageable than backupsets.…

Providing the highest levels of availability is the main goal of Oracle’s Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA), which has been available for more than a decade. What started as a set of blueprints and best practices for high availability (HA) for the Oracle Database has evolved into the de-facto standard when it comes to operating the Oracle Database in the most resilient way on-premises, on Engineered Systems or in the Cloud. Consequently, most Oracle customers look at MAA as a database administrator (DBA) task to implement. This session looks at Oracle MAA from a slightly different angle, as MAA should really be considered by the DBA as well as by developers and even by non-Oracle customers. For DBAs, this session will explain the main aspects of how to ensure HA for the Oracle Database; developers will get to see how certain features can make an application more available when MAA standards are followed. Last but not least, for those looking at alternative database solutions, this session will provide an idea as to what failures and preventative measures need to be considered to make any database more available.