Tag: JD Edwards Financials

JD Edwards Week is where Oracle users of all levels can hone their JD Edwards skills, get new ideas and expand your JD Edwards product knowledge. Featuring a selection of hot topic sessions, you’ll hear from the JD Edwards experts and gain insights and tips you can put to use right away! View sessions

INFOCUS Dive Deep is where JD Edwards users of all levels and from around the world can dig into new releases, dive deep into practical learning, get new ideas from best practices, see what others are doing with their JD Edwards systems and hone their core JD Edwards skills.

JD Edwards has always been known as the #1 ERP of choice for Engineering and Construction customers, due to its overall natural integration across all modules in order to provide key costing information in a real-time format. However, there had always been a gap in required functionality to support joint venture arrangements…until now! JDE has created new joint venture functionality in order to continue to provide exceptional solutions in this arena. From creating both internal and external legal entities and establishing % ownerships, to calculating and managing the distributable amounts for each JV partner, JD Edwards now has the flexibility to assist with managing your JV needs! Join us as we review this new functionality, from configuration / setup through reviewing specific examples in order to demonstrate the new forecasting features. If you are already a JDE Job Cost user or if you are in the construction industry, this is one session that you won’t want to miss!

Craig Davied, Grant Thornton

How to leverage the new Form Request Orchestrator enhancement, via Tools Release, of selecting multiple rows to simplify and streamline otherwise advanced Orchestrations.

Nathan Ley, Terillium

Discover a new user experience!  Joint Ventures can involve complex structures. The new JD Edwards Joint Venture Hierarchy chart powered by Oracle JET provides an intuitive user interface to easily view and work with joint venture relationships and details.  See the demo today, learn how easy it is to implement, and start using it to manage your joint ventures tomorrow!

Mike Jepkes, Oracle