Tag: MySQL

Schwartz presents the results of a study of emergency downtime issues that his employerPercona, an independent MySQL support provider, was asked to resolve. The article shedslight on what types of problems can occur in MySQL-based production environments withsome potentially surprising results.

Hull takes a look at MySQL and its strategic function in the enterprise landscape. He runs acomparison of MySQL and Oracle by looking at a cross section of features and lists whereboth landscapes share strengths.

MySQL user authentication has greatly changed in the past few years. But does the software you use give users the DROP TABLE privilege by default? Could you use proxies or pre-defined roles? How do you audit users to make sure they have the right privs? What new features such as authentication plug-ins are going to…

MySQL continues to be the world’s most popular database management system for the Internet. This session provides a fast-paced introduction to the MySQL architecture, core features, best practices, and core performance areas. A MySQL version of OFA will be shown as a best practice. MySQL features will be taught from a perspective that is easy…

Classic Oracle DBAs are somewhat starved for the "big overview" knowledge that will make them better decision makers and less hesitant to use MySQL. Oracle covers wide ranges of solutions and doubts appear concerning the 2 most popular databases on the market. The aim is to allow an existing Oracle DBA to get to grips…

An overview of High Availability Solutions with MySQL with case studies of customer deployments in the field

The need to manage heterogeneous environments is a fact for many production engineers, making a complete monitoring solution a critical component of today's enterprise IT operations. Oracle Enterprise Manager is oriented towards providing end-to-end management for business applications, with plug-ins extending its management capabilities to an expanding variety of products.Learn to leverage your existing Oracle…

This is a two-part session that will take place on Monday and Tuesday. You have to set up a MySQL instance for a test or even for production, and you're feverishly looking through the docs, trying to remember exactly what to do. You install the default MySQL version for your distribution, but is it the…

When you ask a MySQL DBA about security, they will usually tell you one or more of these three things: 1) strong MySQL passwords; 2) proper user@host grants and 3) SSL connectivity. However in reality MySQL is not deployed in an isolated secure room with no network access like the CIA computer room in the…

This session covers a baseline configuration for MySQL that should provide a good foundation for building a high-performance database. Although the specifics of getting the best performance from MySQL will vary with each installation, a good starting place has more similarities than differences, even for widely varying applications and use cases. This session will cover…