Tag: Sharding

Written by Sridhar Avantsa, Rolta AdvizeX

Oracle introduced the feature of database sharding in 12.2 and has since been refining it. The purpose of this article is for the reader to understanding database sharding. This includes general concepts of sharding as well as the concepts, architecture, and how to use Oracle Sharding.

A new database architecture called sharding was introduced in Oracle 12cR2 database for linear scalability and complete fault isolation for OLTP workloads. This Oracle sharding architecture partition horizontally partitions data across discrete Oracle Databases (shards). All shards collectively form a single logical database. Come to this session to learn this new architecture and the related new features in Oracle 18c. We will share our experience with Oracle sharding through our POC project: what type of application best fit to this sharding architecture, how to deploy sharded database and how to implement replications for massive scalability and complete fault isolation on commodity hardware with local storage. Some of lessons learned will be shared and discussed in the session

Oracle Sharding is an elastic database architecture where data is horizontally partitioned across multiple discrete databases that share no hardware or software. It provides linear scalability and complete fault isolation for transaction processing applications designed for a sharded architecture—attributes that are not possible by scaling-out or scaling-up a single database. Join this session to hear…

How do you design an OLTP system that handles terrabytes of data and needs to scale 200% per year ? Or 200% per month ? By the way, all queries still need to respond in subseconds. And no, your budget is not unlimited. Enter Database sharding - the art of splitting data into manageable chunks,…