September 9 - September 11, 2025
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Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel | Denver, CO
Save the date for INFOCUS 2025, September 9 – 11, 2025 in Denver CO!
Industry Program: Manufacturing and Distribution
From Orchestrator to EnterpriseOne enhancements, learn how JD Edwards users in the Manufacturing & Distribution industry are leveraging the latest in JD Edwards.
INFOCUS offers 4 jam-packed days of digital JD Edwards learning designed to keep you in the loop on JD Edwards updates and feature enhancements, with plenty of practical how-to learning. Flexible session formats let you build the agenda that best fits your schedule. Check in every day for a couple of hours or jump in for the full day conference experience. Plus, with instant replay, past sessions are available anytime during the conference for easy access!
Manufacturing and Distribution Sessions at INFOCUS 22
OUT OF STOCK – Never Hear Those Dreaded Words Again!
Presented by:
Mark Hamilton, brij
Who doesn’t want inventory updates in a timely manner? Updating safety stock each month can be time consuming and prone to manual data entry errors. It becomes even more of an issue when the first day of the month falls on a weekend. Eliminate weekend overtime and manual updates by letting Orchestrator update values based on effective dates.
- Understand JD Edwards Supplemental Database Setup to use Effective Dates for any data item in the system.
- Review Orchestration that uses the Supplemental Database date to update the Safety Stock value of an item on the effective date.
- Demonstrate how the Safety Stock value can be displayed on the MRP/DRP Time Series screen.
Dayton Lamina leverages JDE WMS & Orchestration based barcoding solution to leverage JDE better
Presented by:
Barbara Lipps, Dayton Lamina
Dave Sexton, ERP Suites
With all of the pressure on today’s supply chain, Dayton Lamina was losing business due to fill rates. Dayton Lamina’s division (PCS) wanted to better utilize JD Edwards by removing their bolt-on WMS and Scanning infrastructure. They needed tighter integration of data and reduced costs. Their business objective was to reduce errors in shipping, increase the productivity of their material handlers and reduce the added cost of supporting multiple systems. Their success story was built around better utilization of JD Edwards native functionality and taking advantage of an Orchestration based scanning solution.
- How to reduce bolt-on solutions and reduce complexity to maximize your investment in and the power of JD Edwards.
What’s New in Warehouse Management
Presented by:
Ervin Rhodes, Oracle
Come join us as we explore new functional enhancements for Warehouse Management including expanded license plate commitment swap flexibility and support for costing at the lot/location level. These enhancements along with License Plate Picking Optimization help to improve capacity utilization, warehouse efficiency, and reduce labor costs.
Requirements Planning Summary and Console
Presented by:
Dave Greiner, Oracle
Attend this session to learn how to use the Requirements Planning Summary and Console applications delivered in Release 22. These apps provide a user-friendly graphical presentation of requirements planning action messages summarized and prioritized based on user preferences, and then presented in the context of an interactive, real-time supply/demand detail table with supporting charts and graphical alerts.
Item obsolescence management with Orchestrator
Presented by:
Shirkant Gogate, Grant Thornton LLP
Join us as we demonstrate how to use Orchestrator to automate product obsolescence by eliminating manual updates and utilizing notifications better manage inventory, while keeping the concerned stakeholders informed.
- Align with common business requirement
- Use Orchestrator’s capabilities for digital transformation
KPIs to Action – Automating Change in JDE
Presented by:
Steve Langley, brij
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help an organization measure long-term and short-term results. KPIs are oftentimes meaningless without action. With the results in hand, organizations must update processes and data sets to improve performance – which is oftentimes a daunting task that never gets done. And that is where Orchestrator comes in. Orchestrations can efficiently make periodic or just-in-time (JIT) updates to JDE data, and reduce the time needed to positively impact KPIs.
- Overview of KPI
- Overview of updating JDE Data using Orchestration
- Process improvement life cycle
Michelman: Digital Work Order/Transitioning from Standard JDE Scanning Solutions for Manufacturing
Presented by:
Trisha Muir, Michelman, Inc.
Jacob Neises, Michelman, Inc.
Doug Palaske, K-Rise Systems, Inc.
Jeremy Stowe, K-Rise Systems, Inc.
Case study demonstration / review of the Digital Work Order Project. Trisha Muir, Michelman Dir. of ERP long realized status quo work order processes had to be improved. One primary reason was the need to improve visibility to the necessary PPE, hazards and process instructions before starting to manufacture a batch and capturing the acknowledgement from the operator. Michelman was able to add validations within the process to minimize waste and failed batches resulting in cost savings. Sustainability is one of Michelman’s core values; digitizing the paper work order helps them to achieve their goal of reducing the use of paper globally. Deployment is based on work center Zebra tablets with bar-coding OCR embedded.
Functionality includes full Work Order Edit of: Parts List, Process Instructions & Quality Tests with improved automation of Machine/Labor hours and Quality test data. Other functional elements include Audit, Inventory Look-up, Inventory Transfer, enhanced Media Object Integration and the ability to store “Comments” and “Versioning” of Media Object revisions.
Demo review will show User Role setup/permissions for Chemists, Quality, Operators, and Supervisor with dashboards associated to each role. Trisha will also review Michelman business case.
- Learn how you can use the EASYProcess to create custom apps that can be used to replace traditional mobile scanning solutions, create custom desktop screens with embedded workflows to control master data or create Customer/Supplier Onboarding Portals that integrate directly with JDE.
- Learn how Michelman automated several manual processes within Quality while giving more visibility into test results and creating several workflows based on the test results.
- Michelman will share their journey towards automation which includes starting business processes with OCR and direct updates into JDE. Enhance your company’s UI without losing any JDE functionality!
JD Edwards Orchestration – 3rd party integration for multi-level data retrieval and file archival automation
Presented by:
Sravan Vijav, Grant Thornton LLP
Bhavya BV, Grant Thornton LLP
Worried about time-consuming processes to load from 3rd party systems to JDE system? Who doesn’t like to have error free data in their systems? Reduce the processing time from hours to minutes with orchestrator automation. We will present a real-world use case where we use orchestrator to integrate complex data, automate the data entry, and archive source documents in a single automated process flow. Our use case will demonstrate retrieving multi-level bill of material data from an 3rd party engineering system into JD Edwards through a series of Orchestrations. This process reduces the time to validate and load BOM data after engineering changes and brings all the related specs and drawing documents to an archive location for easy access. The Orchestration is being triggered from a program with minimal inputs with the Parent Item Number from JDE. Based on this Item Number the details of BOM by parts, supporting documents and references are retrieved for both the parent item and multilevel child items up to level ‘n’. Our example retrieves bill of material data and reference documents, but the concepts can be applied to any system integration.
- 3rd Party interface and Automation: Integration with 3rd party interface has become a common practice to retrieve data with less effort saving hours of human effort. Here we were able to showcase the use of Orchestration to import 3rd party data through multiple parsing and iterations in automating the current legacy process. This automation process has drastically helped the customers in decreasing their hours of manual work into minutes, which has helped in eliminating human errors while group
- Archival Process: The automated archival process has enabled the users / vendors who have access the specified folder to discover, indulge and review the set of documents at one placer. The Automation helps in moving the files periodically based on jobs submitted from the BI Archival folder to the final document repository folder that is being differentiated by Company, Vendor Number, PO Number, and date/time.
- Bill of Material Components: With this automated it was possible to fetch all the BOM details up to ‘n’ levels including all the possible inputs by the 3rd party API’s.
Happy Employees = Happy Customers! Enable Your Customer Service Team with UX One Tools!
Presented by:
Shruti Ghatage, Oracle
Eric Daberkow, Oracle
As leaders, it is our job to enable our employees with the tools to complete tasks and envision their success. We get it, easier said than done. Not anymore! E1 has so many features and functionality that organizations just aren’t taking advantage of. In this session, we share with you a true use-case of how an Organization transformed its Customer Service Team by enabling its employees through the use of UX One Tools!
- Provide an overview of UX One Tools – grid personalizations, queries, and watchlists along with form personalizations and CafeOne pages
- Share Customer Use Case using UX Tools. Goals, Solution & Benefits!
Digital Supply Chain using Oracle JD Edwards ERP
Presented by:
Ajav Kale, Infosys Technologies
Over the coming years, the digitization of supply chains will likely have a significant effect on companies’ prospects. Research conducted as part of the McKinsey Digital Global Survey shows that the end-to-end digitization of the supply chain will contribute more than two-thirds of businesses’ projected annual revenue growth, and more than 75 percent of annual EBIT growth. A digital supply chain is a set of processes that use advance technologies which provides better insights into the functions of each stakeholder along the Supply chain to let each participant make better decisions and build strong relationships. Oracle helps in creating intelligent digital supply chains that drive business efficiency, agility and driving new growth by enabling the application like “Internet of Things “,” Blockchain “ , “Machine learning and Artificial intelligence “ , “Automated data analytics” in supply chain management”, “ . The purpose of this paper is to present a model that defines the essential components shaping the new Digital Supply Chains (DSCs) through Oracle ERP and how clients will be able to experience next generation “Supply Chain 4.0” by demonstrating Oracle capabilities for industry used cased like “IoT & Blockchain-Product Information and Traceability ” , “ Artificial Intelligence , machine learning – Predictive Analysis ” and “Cloud Computing”.
- Make use of Digital capabilities using JDEdwards and achieve “Digital Supply Chain” where most of automation is achieved and powerful analytics is produced in a Dashboard
- Propose Automation ,analytics , Cloud solution
- Learn how other customers are benefited with Digitalization in SCM area.
Optimize Resource Utilization with JD Edwards Capital Asset Management
Presented by:
Shruti Ghatage, Oracle
Eric Daberkow, Oracle
Asset-intensive companies often have large numbers of employees and equipment. Without appropriate management tools, these resources may not be utilized effectively. Join this session to learn how new capabilities for Staff Utilization and CAM Work Order scheduling and execution can help to optimize resource utilization.
Lot/SN Management Improvements
Presented by:
Dave Greiner, Oracle
Significant lot/serial number management enhancements have been delivered recently including the ability to establish meaningful (non-blank) approved lot statuses. Attend this session to learn about the value you can realize from 9.2 lot management improvements as well as the steps required to implement them.
Removing the mystery from material planning (MPS/MRP) to improve your supply chain.
Presented by:
Steven Yniquez, Grant Thornton LLP
Is your company struggling to understand material planning? Are you looking for tips to assess your MPS / MRP material plan? Are your planning inputs meeting target integrity? Does your team have the skills necessary to plan in a changing environment. Come join this fun and informative session to learn how to leverage your JD Edwards investment and provide a world-class materials management solution.
- Understanding key inputs to planning and how to evaluate them.
- Learn ways to measure the effectiveness of your materials plan.
- Leveraging your JDE investment to help make improvements to overall operations management.
Thinking Outside the Box: Creative Ways JD Edwards Mfg. and Distr. Implement Ecommerce Strategies
Presented by:
Jerry Van Dalen, SmarterCommerce
Fermin Rodriguez, SmarterCommerce
Research shows that the majority (75%) of Manufacturers and Distributors are venturing into the space of digital commerce within two years. However, different business models and industries may present unique challenges to implementing a digital commerce strategy. What is the right approach to digital commerce for your organization? This is an opportunity to think outside the box, beyond the four walls of the warehouse. Attendees will embark on a journey through examples of JD Edwards Manufacturers and Distributors implementing different digital commerce strategies, how they strengthen customers relationships through an ecommerce offering, and maintain data integrity during their ecommerce strategy implementations.
- Review multiple examples of how JD Edwards EnterpriseOne organizations have implemented ecommerce strategies.
- Share general points of consideration for Enterprise organizations considering an ecommerce initiative.
E1MDUG Enhancement Meeting
Presented by:
Karen Brigiotta, Syntax
Deron Brod, Stanley Engineered Fastening
Travis Wendland, Little Rapids Corporation
Phil Rogholt, Park Industries
Hugo Pascal, Agnico Eagle Mines
Discuss current status of enhancement request. Discuss new enhancement request from all members.
- Discuss ideas for product enhancements to better serve the industry.
- Network with other users
JDE Orchestration: B2B Integration
Presented by:
Erin Dryden, North American Construction Group
Samar Madanat, Nexovate Inc.
Join us in live demo to show how North American Construction successfully transformed procurement processes by building real time integration to supplier B2B Online Parts Store using Orchestration and UX-One available features to automate:
- a. Price check and availability – we used REST API to make calls to online part store, get response back with item price and availability, display, and update JDE purchase order / requisition on response scenarios.
- b. Direct Order Submission – Rest API call to submit Real time Purchase order from NACG to vendor system, consume and update JDE with order acceptance response or rejection reason.
- c. Parts Online: Use orchestration API call to access shopping cart online and create or update JDE requisition.
- Learn different options for Orchestrations Connectivity, and use of business functions to send and consume response
- Data transformation, rules, XRE, and validation
- How to consume response and update JDE Tables.
Orchestrator in Action! World-class use cases for Supply Chain Processes.
Presented by:
Mark Hamilton, brij
In this session, you will see real-world use cases for Orchestrator in multiple customer settings. Form integrations with Shop Floor Equipment to Automating Payment Processes and PO approvals.
- Examples of Orchestrations built-in Sales Order Management
- Examples of Orchestrations built in Procurement
- Examples of Orchestrations built in Finance
Fulfillment Management: Solutions for you inventory commitment challenges
Presented by:
Bernadette Durham, Terillium, Inc.
Standard inventory commitment processes in JD Edwards do not always offer the flexibility we need to prioritize how we allocate available inventory to meet sales order demand. Perhaps we want to prioritize certain customers, but still be able to recognize when other customer orders need to take priority to be filled. Or maybe there is a need to define different inventory allocation rules for different product types or different order types. Fulfillment Management gives us the tools to manage inventory allocation with significantly more flexibility, allowing automation of both simple and complex priority rules that can be based on customer, product, order attributes including line type, and order dates. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of how Fulfillment Management functionality can reduce manual effort managing inventory allocation in your business.
- Compare standard inventory commitment processes with the options available in Fulfillment Management.
- Show how Basic Scoring and Advanced Preference Scoring options work and how they can provide the ability to flexibly define inventory allocation rules. Provide a detailed look at configuration of Service Level Rules.
- Review the Fulfillment Workbench to demonstrate that real world exceptions are still accommodated and that manual overrides can be executed simply and quickly.
Auto Tendering Transportation Carriers in JD Edwards
Presented by:
Craig Davied, Grant Thornton LLP
Are you tired of spending all day in Outlook communicating with carriers in order to tender your shipments/loads? And then toggling back into JDE to assign carriers once they have accepted?
The ability to auto tender a carrier, or even better to cycle through a priority list of carriers, could save a substantial amount of time, not to mention the additional savings from always selecting the lowest cost provider to issue a tender, instead of choosing a carrier based on how quickly they respond to your e-mails.
Many JDE clients prefer the natural integration the JDE Transportation module has with the other distribution modules, but suffer from a lack of advanced features.
Join us as we discuss how we enhanced JDE in order to design an auto tendering solution to increase overall freight profitability, as well as to allow for real time communication with transportation carriers. If you are already using the JDE Transportation module, this is one session you do not want to miss!
- We will discuss the standard functionality available within the Transportation module, as well as some missing advanced features that most modern transportation solutions already have.
- We will explain the auto tendering solution we designed in JDE, which could handle both e-mail and EDI tendering processes, in order to provide this advanced functionality, while also not compromising the existing standard functionality
- Last we will provide our valuable lessons learned throughout this project, as well as some other valuable enhancements that we designed too.
Automate Data Entry using JDE Orchestrator
Presented by:
Thomas Liptak, Penn Engineering & Mfg
Come see how we automated updating Item Master and Item Branch entries by uploading an excel spreadsheet and returning dynamic errors using native JDE toolsets and VBCS.
- Discuss/show Orchestrator Capabilities for automating tool entry and customized error handling with email.
- Discuss/show how easily VBCS apps can integrate with Orchestrator and JDE.
- Discuss/Show how a VBCS can easily be added to a composed page for users without the need to leave JDE.
RMA Automation for downstream OM receipt
Presented by:
Shirkant Gogate, Grant Thornton LLP
In this session, we discuss how to best use Orchestrator to automate supplier item relationship management for returned products receipts. Learn more about how to increase accuracy and streamline warehousing processes.
- Align with common business requirement
- Use Orchestrator’s capabilities for digital transformation
Ford Meter Box leverages Orchestration technology for Industry 4.0 value and business advantages
Presented by:
Dave Sexton, ERP Suites
The latest Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) is driven by cyber-physical technology advancements on the factory floor. Ford Meter Box leveraged Oracle’s orchestration technology to integrate critical factory equipment to minimize shipping errors and potential liability issues. They have leveraged Orchestration as their pathway into Industry 4.0 to include scanning, time entry, and work order completions. The additional benefits have resulted in reduced errors, data entry, and labor while increasing quality, capacity, and profits.
- How to better use JD Edwards and Orchestrations on the shop floor.
E1MDUG AUA (Ask Us Anything) Roundtable for INFOCUS22
Presented by:
Deron Brod, Stanley Engineered Fastening
Travis Wendland, Little Rapids Corporation
Phil Rogholt, Park Industries
Karen Brigiotta, Syntax
Hugo Pascal, Agnico Eagle Mines
Sales Orders, Purchasing, MRP, Manufacturing? Bring your list of questions to this session., Members of the EnterpriseOne Manufacturing and Distribution User Group will lead an interactive discussion to find solutions and give you ideas to take back to your organization.
- Provide a platform to discuss questions and issues from the E1MDUG community
- Brainstorm product enhancement ideas if applicable.
- Network with others in the user community.