Tag: Database & Technology

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 100120

Oracle database upgrades can seem like a daunting task if you are like most DBAs who only upgrade every few years. What if you have a stand-alone (non-Oracle RAC) database and want to switch from a non-container database to a container/pluggable configuration? I know this sounds like a lot more work, adding to an already stressful situation. However, please know it only requires a few extra steps and results in greatly improved resource utilization. This presentation provides step-by-step instructions for upgrading from Oracle 12.2 to 19c and converting from a non-container to a container/pluggable configuration. I’ll even throw in the steps for upgrading an OEM repository to this configuration at no extra charge.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 100430

After the events of 2020 – a once-in-a-century pandemic, an unprecedented economic downturn, social upheaval, and several hotly-contested political races - it’s easy to become discontented with your IT career path, and maybe even consider a different line of work. But the truth is that the future of IT is so incredibly bright and its horizons so tremendously broadened that the exact opposite is true: You’d better get your sunglasses ready, and you might even want to buy a few more pairs.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 101380

Oracle Machine Learning’s new AutoML UI makes ML easier than ever before.  OML’s AutoML automates many of the time-intensive and repetitive aspects of a data scientist’s job including algorithm selection, feature selection, and hyperparameter tuning.  AutoML UI enables “citizen data scientists” to leverage AutoML in ADW with a simple, intuitive, easy to use UI.   Using AutoML UI, data scientists and citizen data scientists can focus on the important phases of ML: Defining the problem, assembling the “right data”, disseminating the model’s insights and predictions, and deploying the model enterprise-wide.  Come see the new AutoML UI and learn how easy it is to get started.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 101610

A task can be done in a very short way and in a very long way. Which one will you choose? Knowledge is Power! This session gives lots of interesting knowledge about an allegedly boring topic - Constraints. And this knowledge will give you the power to optimize and make better decisions.

The behavior of adding columns and constraints to big tables in Oracle may vary significantly, in two aspects - duration and availability - based on the way we perform these operations. In addition, different constraints may have different impact, based on their syntax, types, states, locking, etc.

Attend this session to understand what happens exactly under the hood when we issue a simple ALTER TABLE statement, and how to utilize this knowledge for achieving better performance or higher availability.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 101360

What do you need to build a fully automated Oracle DBaaS stack? Hardware, Software and a heterogenous team with a passion for automation. I am proud to be part of the team which has ramped up in the last months a DBaaS for a large Swiss customer with a huge bandwidth of technology. From PCA to ZDLRA, from VMWare vRA to Ansible Tower, from Jira Tasks to Scaled Agile Framework, each team member brought in his expertise to bring the service to the market. I will show you what you need to build such a service from scratch. What we have learned when setting up DevOps tools like Ansible and git. And what I can tell you, the passionate team is the key to success. I am not talking only about tech stuff, we want to see what is required in the back, and how long the way is from the first sprint planning to customer readiness.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 100750

Many developers/DBA’s are challenged by the limitations of the standard AWR tools.  Develop insight and command skill in the right application of the AWR toolset – or risk being drowned in the sea of performance metrics.  To handle the many varied cases where it is necessary to go beyond the standard toolset, the Oracle DB tuner must be able to creatively query the historic performance metrics and quickly discern root causes and provide solutions. 

Get a jump start by experiencing the presenter's process and tools, along with some case studies of real-life performance nightmares that were converted into success stories.  Learn where to look in the AWR data to solve the difficult performance problems.  See the solutions and learn how to apply a results-producing strategy for digging deep in the AWR repository to power past your own specific performance issues.  Additionally, the author will share his various scripts and SQL queries used to make the most effective use of AWR.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 100080

With the increase in demand for application to be online 24x7x365, several tasks like upgrades and migrations are becoming a challenge. While keeping in mind that clients want a fool proof migration /upgrade we are also having to ensure we ask for no downtime. This is challenging enough to start with without adding the size of the database in question to be several terabytes. What are some methods that can guarantee a no downtime migration of 100T database? We will explore some options to successfully migrate large databases with zero downtime. Detailing the methods and illustration of the requirements to help audience understand options available to reproduce the migrations in their client space.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 101460

This presentation will look at 12c to 21c new features that should be investigated for use which include Multitenant, IN-Memory and Oracle 19c Automatic Indexing and many more. I will discuss the 12c to 21c Journey for these new features with examples and sample code. Attendees can expect brief introduction of all the new features with deep dive into Multitenant, IN-Memory and Automatic Indexing.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 101100

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) or 2-factor authentication (2FA) for database connections is frequently inquired about, but rarely implemented.  Yet is surprisingly easy to implement in the Oracle Database.

This session covers how to implement MFA/2FA for your Oracle Databases via common MFA platforms including Cisco Duo.  Including specifics of how to get started and test in your own DBA lab environment.

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 101550

Cloud Computing already dominates the IT landscape. As Oracle Cloud adoption grows exponentially, a skills gap is also on the rise. Join Oracle ACE Director, Basheer Khan, as he introduces you the Oracle Cloud landscape, identifies skills that are in demand and provides a roadmap to bridge your skills gap. Whether you are an Oracle developer, database administrator, functional expert or manager: attend this presentation to understand how you can upgrade your existing skills to stay relevant in the Oracle Cloud Computing world.