Tag: PeopleSoft Enterprise

Emily Frolick, U.S. digital transformation leader at KPMG, wrote an article about three effective digital transformation fundamentals. She identified them as:
1) Letting the employees lead
2) Building self-awareness by tackling the tough questions
3) Embracing the art of the possible

Aug 21 @  2:00pm

  WorkStrategy will review strategies for integrating your existing PeopleSoft HCM with hosted Oracle HCM Cloud Talent Management applications such as Workforce Compensation, Performance and Goal Management, Talent Review, Succession Planning, and OTBI for reporting and analytics. During the session, WorkStrategy will highlight customer case studies, project planning tips, and integration benefits. Objectives: Review data…

Aug 21 @  12:00pm

This session is aimed at functional users with a intermediate level of knowledge with PS Query. We will cover the following: -Unions (briefly) -Transformations -Expressions --Miscellaneous expressions --Regular Expressions Presented by Jamie Polizzi, Software Systems Specialist IV, The University of Texas at Dallas

Aug 20 @  1:00pm

Do you dread budget season? Are encumbrances and retro funding adjustments driving you crazy? Join this webinar to turn that frown upside down and learn to love Commitment Accounting all over again. In the session we will review the process of Commitment Accounting and examine the flow and data structure of tables used in PeopleSoft.…

Aug 16 @  11:00am

Did you miss RECONNECT conference? No worries, join Christina Yue, Quest Oracle Community and Rebekah Jackson, Oracle to learn the big takeaway from the RECONNECT conference. They will provide an overview of the major points from the conference and highlights of the event. Presented by Christina Yue, Quest Oracle Community & Rebekah Jackson, Oracle

As part of PeopleSoft Industry Day 2019, representatives from Kaiser Permanente spoke about how the company successfully completed a “quad play” upgrade in 2018 for their single-instance finance and supply chain PeopleSoft ERP supporting 250,000 users.

Yih-Wen Lin wrote about the fastest path to digital transformation and how taking a look at your people, processes, and technology helps you get there. With 95 percent of organizations predicted to measure their success in the digital economy by 2023, chances are that your business is on a possible journey toward enabling modern technologies. Like many organizations, you might be eager to try the latest and greatest. Buzzwords like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, or Internet of Things might sound familiar to you.

The PeopleSoft Test Framework has been available as a PeopleTool for over a decade and has seen a good adoption rate by PSFT clients. It is heavily utilized by Oracle Development itself and serves to test their HCM/FSCM PUM images before each release.

Over the 61 implementations of PTF Elire has developed solutions that cover more then just general unit/system testing cycles.

PTF is a general automation tool and can be leveraged in the following areas:
1. Validation of configuration in one to many environments. PTF can validate or “grab” config from one env and apply to another.
2. Conversion of data – It is capable of replacing Excel to CI and using the UI interface itself to load data via Excel files. This makes it easy for non-technical resources to load data without Excel to CI knowledge.
3. Automate specific repetitive tasks in Production to ease Business load. It can also systematically validate data on top of regular page validation.
4. Testing of all environments

Presented by Valentin Todorow, Managing Consultant, Elire, Inc.

Aug 14 @  11:00am

The PeopleSoft Test Framework has been available as a PeopleTool for over a decade and has seen a good adoption rate by PSFT clients. It is heavily utilized by Oracle Development itself and serves to test their HCM/FSCM PUM images before each release. Over the 61 implementations of PTF Elire has developed solutions that cover…

At Oracle OpenWorld 2018, Oracle CEO Mark Hurd stated that 35 percent of a recruiter’s day is spent on sourcing and processing candidates. However, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) can introduce efficiency into the entire recruiting process and eliminate costly manual processes. Finding the right talent and then onboarding that talent efficiently can be challenging in today’s competitive recruitment environment, but Hurd explained how he sees emerging technology changing recruiting moving forward.