Tag: PeopleSoft Supplier Relationship Management

It is not unusual that organizations live with pain points in their supply chain business processes to the extent that they simply exist and are accepted and become part of the normal business process. This does not have to be the case; however, organizations that take the time to evaluate business process pain points and whether there are new functionality or business process changes can make significant improvements in their supply chain. In this presentation, we will explore some of the more common pain points and features and functionality in PeopleSoft 9.2 supply chain that can address those pains.

Presented at RECONNECT2018 by Hennepin County, Graviton Consulting Services, Inc., ,
Vanessa Van Orden from Hennepin County and Gary Dinoso from Graviton Consulting will detail the lessons learned from the recent rollout of Supplier Contract Management at Hennepin County, MN. Additionally, they will cover advanced tips and tricks that can be accomplished using the delivered integration with Adobe Sign as well as cover some customizations made to the system.

Presented at RECONNECT2018 by Intermountain Healthcare,
Since implementing the Supplier Contract module Intermountain Healthcare has continued its journey by onboarding new departments, such as payer contracting and privacy, to the tool. We will discuss the process / Journey how we were able to onboard these two groups and have started a third contracting department

Using procurement contracts will save you time and money. This process will put controls in place, provide valuable notifications and communicate effectively with suppliers. Buyers will not have to create new PO's for each release or requisition when using the Single PO option. This will also reduce ME's with the receiving and A/P process.

Supplier Contract Management Enforces Compliance and Improve Visibility

eSupplier Connection drasticaly improved their vendor collaboration and performance implementing a few key factors, including effectively collaborating with suppliers to reduce costs, mitigate risk and enable faster time-to-market, improving supplier responsiveness with interactive real-time delivery and performance analytics and encouraging supplier participation with intuitive role-based homepages.

eProcurement Increases Efficiency, Increase User Adoption and Improve the Bottom Line

eSettlements Reduces Costs and Strengthen the financial relationship with your suppliers

Sandia National Labs Mobilizes PeopleSoft Time & Labor Presented by Sandia National Laboratories,  GreyHeller Solutions Session ID 111640, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Sandia National Laborator