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Using Activity Guides for PeopleSoft Onboarding and Offboarding

Since Activity Guides first came out, PeopleSoft has updated and renovated it to a newer version that is even more useful during Onboarding and Offboarding.

One of the nice things about Onboarding and Offboarding is that Oracle has been delivering different examples of both. What this does is give you a really good starting point for being able to use the Activity Guide for many other types of Functions. Another nice thing about Onboarding and Offboarding with Activity Guides is its versatility during this COVID-19 Pandemic.

With the Fluid User Interface, PeopleSoft is able to deliver the Onboarding and Offboarding process on any type of mobile device. Therefore, it is very flexible for both employees and managers to utilize. Much of the Functionality delivered with the Activity Guides will enable you to include videos and demonstrations. From an Onboarding perspective, this allows you to introduce your new hire to your culture. The goal is to bring new hires into the culture sooner so that they can become more productive more quickly.

From a manager’s perspective this relatively easy to deploy and to manage. You can create as many different templates as you desire with the rules that you desire them to have. You can also modify the frequency of notifications. With the delivered templates that PeopleSoft offers you can’t change the template but you can clone them and personalize them.

PeopleSoft OffBoarding and OnBoarding Using Activity Guides


In this example, David is a new hire that is able to access onboarding on any device. He is provided a tile, showing there are a number of different steps and actions that need to be taken by him. David is able to login and start his Onboarding Process. As David moves through the screens by clicking the Next button he can complete the pages. He also has the capability to mark a page as completed. (From a manager perspective, you are able to place a timeline of when items need to be completed so that they are done in a timely fashion.)

Additionally, there is an area in the Onboarding Process for David to review files and complete them. This gets him acclimated to the culture of the company. Also, you are incorporating in this portion the Acknowledgement Framework. The Onboarding Process also supports the Attachments Framework. Grouping is another feature within the Activity Guides that allows you to group certain functions together.

With the Activity Guides, the Onboarding Process is very easy to follow.

Manager Overlook of New Hires

Rosanna Channing is David’s manager. This demonstration includes the capabilities of a Manager during the Onboarding Process. Rosanna has a Manager Self Service Dashboard that she is able to view all things from.

From the My Team Tile, she can view any new hires and current employees progress. She also has the capability to send reminders to complete an item. Rosanna can see when looking at Onboarding Status of David, that he still has files to complete. There is a lot of visibility in this section to help keep new hires on track and complete their Onboarding.

Examples of Offboarding

Joanna is the example of Offboarding since she is being furloughed due to COVID-19. She will return to work when it is safe to do so. She sees her tile and that she has several steps to complete. It is very important to get the most current personal contact information to be able to contact the furloughed employee when it is time to return to work.

One primary difference you will notice between the Onboarding and Offboarding Process is that there are some areas that are greyed out. This is because some of the Offboarding Process is going to require some input from her manager. Additionally, with Offboarding, you will utilize the Questionnaire Framework.

Manager Self Service

Now the presenter logs in as Joanna’s manager. As her manager, she has options as to not only the employees’ responsibility for completing certain pieces of information but she can also include things the manager will need to do in order to successfully Offboard an employee. The manager is only able to see items that are pertinent to her as a manager. The manager will have a checklist of items (Checklist Framework) that she must complete as well.

Activity Guide Composer

Logging in as Rosanna Channing will allow us to see how versatile Activity Guide Composer can be from an Administrative Functionality. The information is under the HR Administration tile. Onboarding and Offboarding Activity Guides are not the only things being delivered by PeopleSoft. There are four delivered Activity Guides for the Life Events, Extended Absences, and several others.

When creating an Activity Guide through Activity Guide Composer, you will follow these tabs and steps:

  1. Introduction
  2. General Information
  3. Security
  4. Additional Actions
  5. Sub Banner
  6. Select Steps
  7. Organize and Configure
  8. Display and Processing
  9. Notifications
  10. Review and Activate

PeopleSoft Information Portal

In light of the COVID 19 pandemic, PeopleSoft Information Portal is very beneficial in supporting users. There are many articles, very recent, that pertain to your company and PeopleSoft. There are also blogs to utilize community. Legislative updates are also available on the Information Portal.

Using Activity Guides for PeopleSoft Onboarding and Offboarding