Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Apr 25 @  11:00am

Today's business economy demands that we work more effectively and efficiently. JD Edwards User Defined Objects (UDOs) are the cornerstone of personalization & extensibility Frameworks that enable users to personalize how they get their job done to maximize effectivness and efficiency. Join us as we explore possibilties to transform key financial business processes using the…

Have you ever thought or heard any of these in your business? "I love the new tools, but I don't know where to begin using them?" or "How do I use them?" With the proper guide the quest for Personalized Forms can be so easy, by the end you can begin making them within 10 minutes.

Students’ expectations are forcing change in education. Today, pupils of any age can access immersive and personalized online learning experiences from any location. Technologies like Cloud and blockchain are also disrupting the industry. Cloud is lowering the barriers to innovation, and blockchain is democratizing opportunities for students. To meet these expectations, educators and campus leaders are reimagining what’s possible. Institutions that focus on blockchain research and development are cultivating information sharing opportunities through education and consulting programs.

COLLABORATE 19 Session: 100270 Stoner is a small business with big business needs.  We wanted to change the way we do processing and improve our performance with mobile data collection but had trouble justifying the big expensive systems.  We evaluated a system by WCBC that was affordable, flexible and used standard JDE business functions.  Learn…

COLLABORATE 19 Session: 100260 When manufacturing and selling products, keeping track of and accounting for all of your costs is extremely important. Lisa Tran is a JDE specialist that has been working for chemical manufacturer Stoner, Inc. for almost twenty years and has a strong working knowledge of JD Edwards. In this session, you will…

 An out-of-the-box installation of JDE is vulnerable to compromise from many vectors.  This session will demonstrate how to leverage various vulnerabilities to gain elevated access to a JDE system.  Simultaneously we will discuss the appropriate hardening mechanism to prevent these exploits.

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 4/24/19

Learn why Michelman, experts in the development of water-based coatings, surface modifiers, additives and polymers for numerous industries, chose to use the JD Edwards Orchestrator and an integration platform to automate their business processes and see how they achieved: a 50% increase in data accuracy, over 60 hours/week savings in operational efficiency, and an improved visibility towards product quality and sales as well as measure the impact of sales activities on possible future revenue. The results reflected in an ROI of less than 10 months.

Presented by Trisha Muir, Michelman, Inc.

Recorded at COLLABORATE 19 Session: 107300 Gain a competitive advantage with IoT!  Integrating asset data with JD Edwards has traditionally relied on manual, error-prone and time-consuming processes.  With the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator (formerly IoT Orchestrator) customers are now able to seamlessly integrate real time data such as inventory levels, PLC information, meter readings, condition based alerts,…

Recorded at COLLABORATE 19 Session: 106880 Let's walk thru the UX One innovations available for you. We'll showcase the newest features and discuss the landing pages and how to implement it. Objective 1: Best practices on UX One landing pages usage. From the AIS Server backend; to the end user adoption. Objective 2: Demo UX One landing…

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 4/23/19
Apr 23 @  2:00pm

EnterpriseOne is an essential part of your business, but do you know what’s really going on behind the scenes in your EnterpriseOne data? If your data visibility, management, and manipulation are lacking, there is a better way to understand and manage your system. Manage-it! is a brand new subscription solution that allows you to see…