Tag: PeopleSoft Enterprise

Using Mobile Approvals and Escalation to Optimize Your Workflow in HCM Presented by PS WebSolution, Inc. Session ID 102100, presented at RECONNECT 14   We will provide a blueprint on how to imple

The Market Has Spoken: Introducing Real-Time Reporting for PeopleSoft Presented by InsightSoftware.com Session ID 102050, presented at RECONNECT 14   After all these years, business and finance u

Going Global: Adding New Businesses and Implementing Multi-Currency in 30 Days Presented by Xoom Session ID 101970, presented at RECONNECT 14   How Xoom added Multi-currency, InterUnit processin

Data Input Made Easy: Component Interface Presented by Packaging Corporation of America Session ID 101850, presented at RECONNECT 14   Component Interface is an efficient tool for the functional user

Lipstick and Laptops - Tips from the Trenches Presented by AARP Session ID 101750, presented at RECONNECT 14   Join us for an interactive discussion with women who have chosen to make IT a life-long

Archive While You Upgrade Presented by BTRG Session ID 101700, presented at RECONNECT 14   This session will cover how to incorporate the PeopleSoft delivered archiving tool known as The Data Archive

PeopleSoft Treasury SIG Meeting/Roundtable Presented by AEP Session ID 101460, presented at RECONNECT 14   PeopleSoft Treasury SIG Meeting/Roundtable - Collaboration among PeopleSoft Treasury users

How to Keep Your CFO Happy – The Chart of Accounts Transformation Lifecycle Presented by SNP GL Associates Session ID 101440, presented at RECONNECT 14   SNP presents effective strategies for c

From 8.9 to 9.2 - A Story of an Unsupported Upgrade Path At Wells Fargo Presented by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Session ID 101410, presented at RECONNECT 14   This is an overview of the steps we took

Leveraging Integration of Oracle Service Bus and PeopleSoft Integration Broker Presented by Florida State University Session ID 101350, presented at RECONNECT 14   This session is a case study of