Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 100550

Multiple departments one address book, how do you maintain control and maximize efficiency? In this session, we will explore how to create a workflow using Orchestrator in JD Edwards. This will include status updates, department routing/notifications, and an approval process. We will demonstrate real workflow process automation in the address book that anyone could use. We will show how to multiple JD Edwards features can be used together including Form Personalization, Form Extensions, and Orchestrator can be used together. We will also explore other areas these same principles can be applied to achieve process efficiencies across your organization.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102670

While Power Forms, Tab Controls, and Graph Controls have been available for some time in JDE, not many applications take full advantage of their power and capabilities. Come and see a demonstration of how to develop Power Forms with both Tab Controls and Graph Controls and see some real-life examples of their uses.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102390

Managing JDE security records can be a complex task. For years, we built our JDE security during implementation and then keep adding to it. But how can we know if we got it right? With the use of object tracking data, we can identify security records that are no longer needed. Using these techniques, LSB Industries cut the number of security records in half.

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 11/10/20
UX One Demo

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104460

In this live demo, we will show how easy it is to personalize and configure a role-based landing page and it's associated applications for a more effective and efficient user experience.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104350

Come to this session to see the newest JD Edwards innovation for the package build process. See how the entire package build process can be done from the web. Also learn how these improvements allow you to automate the package build process.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102470

In this session, we will discuss the UX One role-based pages and direct the discussion toward end-users using this valuable tool for the first time. We dig into navigating the page, adjusting queries both inside the at page and in the application and also look into the methods of creating queries that mine the exact information desired.

Presented at INFOCUS 20 

Session ID: 102800  

JD Edwards is a foundational software for many of our companies.  In this Coffee & Connect session, we'll facilitate a conversation with participants regarding JD Edwards connection to and support of innovation efforts in our companies.   

Hosted by Peggy Christensen and Andrew Ostdiek of Hamilton Telecommunications 

Describe the connection between JD Edwards and the Innovation Program at Hamilton Telecommunications. 
Draw out connections to the way JD Edwards supports and drives a company's ability to innovate with participants. 
Share methods and practices around the intersection between JD Edwards and innovation. 

Presented by 

Peggy Christensen, Hamilton Telecommunications 

Andrew Ostdiek, Hamilton Telecommunications 

During Quest Forum Digital Event: JD Edwards Week, Oracle JD Edwards Product Manager A.J. Schifano facilitated a panel of customers who are creatively applying JD Edwards innovations to add ease and value to their company’s operations. By utilizing Orchestrator, Notifications, and more, these organizations have increased the efficiency of workflow across multiple business processes within their companies. Take a look at the imaginative solutions by Printpack Inc., Turner Industries, and Cray.

Education for INFOCUS 20 is now live! You can now preview the sessions that will take place October 19-22, 2020, at our virtual INFOCUS conference. You can ignore the dates for now - the official schedule will be coming soon! For now, just take a look at the topics and speakers that you can expect to see during the event. Whether you're interested in Enterprise Asset Management, Development, Financials, Human Capital Management, Manufacturing and Distribution, Real Estate, Supply Chain Management, or Technology, we've got something for you!

Check out the agenda today!