Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools

Oct 22 @  12:00pm

JDE Orchestrator has made exposing parts of your JDE applications easier than ever while protecting the fidelity of your data. Learn how low code platforms like EASYProcess from K-Rise is the perfect fit for your orchestrations. rapid development of mobile and web forms, validation of data before invoking orchestrations for improved data fidelity, and easily…

As part of Quest’s 2019 JD Edwards Orchestrator Week, Tom Spoke from Trek Bikes presented on how Trek Bikes was able to leverage the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator to help foster the company’s culture of employee health and wellness by helping employees track their personal bike and parts/accessory orders from the distribution center to Trek Bikes’ headquarters. This Orchestrator use case helped both promote wellness and improve efficiency within the workplace.

Reducing customization should be a major goal of all JD Edwards customers as they aim to become more effective across their entire sphere of operations. Bruce Bender, ERP System Administrator of Dutch Valley Foods, has applied several tools to do just that. At INFOCUS 19, he recently presented examples of how his team has utilized Personal Forms, Form Extensions, and CafeOne to enhance the JD Edwards experience for their distribution of bulk and branded foods in eastern Pennsylvania and reduce customization in their JD Edwards system.

At INFOCUS 2019, Sherri Harley from the Orlando Utilities Commission provided an update on new features delivered in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.1 and 9.2 that were helpful from an HCM perspective.

Oct 4 @  2:00pm

Join our team of experts as we take you through an Orchestrator use case on how to automate the creation of items in the Item Master and related tables (Item Branch, Cost, Price, Cross Reference). The standard process, which takes up to 5 minutes for each item with the various screens a user has to…

Oct 4 @  11:00am

  Among all the innovative enhancements in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product line, perhaps none is more far-reaching, impactful, and versatile than the Orchestrator. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development team continues to enhance the Orchestrator at a frenetic pace. If you are looking for an introduction to Orchestrator, this isn’t it! Come to this session…

Oct 2 @  2:00pm

Your Web Virtual Storefront requires exceeding your competitors in every regard. Success involves customers loving the user experience & returning. Personalization required at the: System, Store, Profile, Account & User levels. The Omnichannel UX, Site Navigation, Catalog & Product Pages, Shopping Cart, Checkout, Fulfillment, Return & Inquiry feature all with robust integration. A no-charge personalized…

Oct 2 @  11:00am

Trek Bicycle was the first JD Edwards customer to deploy an IoT orchestration to production, and the use case has grown to become a vital part of Trek’s “fun and flexible” work environment. Learn how employees rely on the orchestrator daily to track their personal bike and parts/accessory orders from the distribution center to Trek…

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator is a gateway to digital transformation. It leverages your core JD Edwards applications and external technologies to automate tasks and the distribution of information. Join Quest for JD Edwards Orchestrator Week - a free online learning series that will help you progress from Orchestrator basics and strategy, to deep-dive usage, and finally to real-life use cases. Walk away with a solid foundation for harnessing the power of Orchestrator.

A recent JD Edwards tutorial video showed how to set up and process advanced variable numerator single tiered allocations for a joint venture. The objectives of the video were to help users:
-Understand the advanced variable numerator allocations for joint ventures
-Set up specifications to allocate the expense to joint venture business units
-Compute and review the allocated amounts