Tag: JD Edwards Financials

105400 What’s New in JD Edwards HCM? Presented at INFOCUS 19 Legislation, orchestration, functionality! Find out what’s been happening in software development for the JD Edwards Payroll and Human Resources modules. We will review new and upcoming legislative requirements and the updates to accommodate these. We’ll also take a look at a number of recent…

105360 Managing Joint Ventures in JD Edwards Presented at INFOCUS 19 This session will offer an in-depth discussion of the functionality available to manage joint ventures in JD Edwards Financials. From defining simple to complex joint ventures to calculating and distributing indirect costs, expenses, and revenue across partners, this session will help you understand the…

105340 JD Edwards Keynote - Showcasing Customer Digital Success Presented at INFOCUS 19 The digital revolution is officially here. Digital technologies are creating connected, agile and real-time businesses. JD Edwards innovation creates exceptional customer experiences and improved operational efficiency through reimagined ERP process. EnterpriseOne 9.2 solutions are providing our customers practical options for meeting the…

105180 Discover the Hidden Gem of Supplemental Data Presented at INFOCUS 19 Is there additional information that you'd like to store in JDE but there is no place for it? Do you find yourself using multiple tools to review all of the information that you need?  Look no further, JDE offers supplmental data in 9…

103030 Finance UDOs - Using Oracle-delivered Enhancements and Features to Support Your Business Processes Presented at INFOCUS 19 Join us as we discuss and demonstrate practical uses of Oracle-delivered UDOs to enhance Finance programs. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne has a set of personalized objects for end users to create, share and view, depending on their security…

101530 Presented at INFOCUS 19 As the new lease accounting standards from ASC842 are coming into effect, companies need to ensure that they are compliant with the standards.  This session will provide an overview of the JDE Lease Accounting capabilities and functionality, explaining in detail how the module addresses the new standards, and covering a…

104600 Automation of Budget Reallocation & Journal Entry Process Presented at INFOCUS 19 The automated process of entering, searching and tracking budget reallocation and journal entry transactions including an automated workflow processPresented by Connie Pipes, Douglas County Government    

100940 Presented at INFOCUS 19 JDE has built-in programming to do automated voucher matching. This session will explain how the voucher automation works, what its limitations are and enhanced solutions from Forza Consulting to overcome some of the limitations and improve the process flow. Presented by Lisa Tran, Stoner, Inc.

105260 How To Scale For Growth With Automation Presented at INFOCUS 19 Abstract: Customer Insights with Island Hospitality management: How to scale for growth with automation Like all JD Edwards users, Island Hospitality Management values the ability to work smarter and faster to ultimately achieve more results for their business. Daily challenges like manual accounts…

103900 Change Control for JDE Security Role Assignment Presented at INFOCUS 19 Role Assignment is one of the most significant ways of granting users access to environments and programs within JDE.  Depending on your business, managing user access can be a constant challenge and includes both long term modifications and temporary assignments.  Join us to…