Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management
JDE E1 HCM SIG 9/18/2018 Conference Call
SIG Meetings & Calls105970 Are you taking advantage of Changes Only Payrolls? Learn the benefits of Changes Only within the Human Capital Management module to process payroll. Go step by step through the process of updating payroll data in an active payroll through Changes Only. Learn the process of Changes Only Payroll. Be aware of the scenarios of…
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 9/09/18
101150 Leveraging the Value of Employee Self-Service Presented by Pete Suchar, brij at INFOCUS 2018 Sick of printing paystubs? How about employee verification requests? Wouldn't it be nice if employees could access this information on their own? Employee Self Service (ESS) is the latest trend in Human Resources! Increase productivity, improve satisfaction and reduce errors…
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 9/09/18
Presented by David Koch, CoreCivic at INFOCUS 2018
Setup, Discuss, and Demonstrate Time Card Automation
Show how to use a program that not many may use
Discuss different payroll laws on overtime and what hours / earnings are calculated
Show how to calculate the new Regular Rate of Pay.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 9/06/18
JD Edwards has always been known as the #1 ERP of choice for Engineering and Construction customers, due to its overall natural integration across all modules in order to provide key information in a real-time format.
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 7/07/18
What is the Mystery behind Payroll DBA Tables Methods?
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 6/17/18
You may have heard someone talk about Timecard Automation once or twice. And you think, yes, but I have a third party time and attendance system, so I don't need that. Or you think, I have ESS time entry, so what could Timecard Automation do for me? Or, I have no use for Overtime Rules. WRONG!
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 6/17/18
This session will focus on the JD Edwards solution for Prevailing Wage. We will show the different set-up options, how the calculations work, and how to review the results.
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 6/17/18
In this session, we will dive into the JDE E1 Overtime Generator including configuration, setup and scenarios to generate overtime and pay on time cards.
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 6/17/18
Are you still using spreadsheets to track your benefits? Have you considered using Benefits in JDE and don’t know where to start? Get a roadmap and proven tools to make it a success.
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 6/17/18