Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator

Presented at INFOCUS Dive Deep 2021

Ready to take your first steps towards automation with Orchestrator? Facing challenges with your existing orchestrations where you might appreciate guidance? Looking to expand your knowledge of Orchestrator in preparation for InFocus Deep Dive education sessions?

Bring your questions to this interactive 2-hour workshop & learn how to take your first steps towards automation for your organization. CE will provide a demo environment to walk you through several orchestrations and be available to answer your questions in real-time.

Presented at INFOCUS Dive Deep 2021 

By now you've heard of the JDE Digital Platform: Orchestrator, form requests, data requests, notifications, scheduler, form extensions, E1 pages, external forms, …, the list goes on (and keeps growing). But it's hard to visualize a tapestry by looking at a single colored thread. In this session we'll do some weaving. We'll employ several elements of the JDE Digital Platform to show how they work together to make a whole solution that is greater than the sum of its parts. The future of Digital Transformation is...looming. 

Presented by AJ Schifano, Oracle 

Presented at INFOCUS Dive Deep 2021

As the capabilities of Orchestrator continue to expand, so too do the clever ways in which customers use Orchestrator to meet real-world business requirements. This panel of customers has some bragging to do. No doubt you will leave this session with a few new ideas of your own.

Presented by AJ Schifano, Oracle 

Presented at INFOCUS Dive Deep 2021 

Are you starting with Orchestrator? In this session, we'll explore not the tools features itself, but what can be done with it. Join this session to see why customers are using Orchestrations. We will invite a panel of partners to showcase some of their solutions.