Tag: JD Edwards in the Cloud

102230 Presented at INFOCUS 19 The General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. For global organizations running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne this may have some impact on your topology…

101550 You Don’t Have to Give Up the World to Move to E1 – Why You Should Upgrade to E1 Presented at INFOCUS 19 While there are still a large number of JDE clients running on World, Oracle is making a push to move everyone to EnterpriseOne.  This session will cover the benefits of moving…

105630 JD Edwards Support and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: A Successful Path to Oracle Cloud Presented at INFOCUS 19 In this session, learn about the latest JD Edwards cloud offerings including valuable tips and tricks for success based on real customer experiences. JD Edwards support covers key topics such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure; one-click provisioning; and…

Presented at INFOCUS 19 Join GSI for an educational session to learn everything you need to know about moving your on-prem JD Edwards system to the Cloud. We will Define/Compare/Contrast Cloud Architectures and Cloud Vendors (Public vs Private, Hybrid-cloud vs. Multi-cloud, Cloud vs Cloud-like) Multi-Cloud Demonstration Assess Stakeholder Needs/Business Drivers Determine Cloud Service Level Requirements…

102860 Tips & Tricks: JD Edwards Reports and Dashboards Made Easy Presented at INFOCUS 19 Business leaders gain meaning from corporate information through reports, dashboards, and data visualizations. If your business runs on JD Edwards, then you’re sitting on a treasure trove of information just waiting to be analyzed and presented. During this presentation, we…

102230 EnterpriseOne and the implications of GDPR Presented at INFOCUS 19 The General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. For global organizations running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne this may…

102010 Archiving makes moving to the cloud easier for Srixon/Cleveland Golf Presented at INFOCUS 19 Srixon/Cleveland Golf was moving from on premise World to E1 at a hosting center.  There was a tremendous amount of data that would need to be migrated at go-live, so reducing that set of data would make the migration easier…

Combining the Orchestrator and AIS for data access and modern open sources web frameworks we have enabled users to view data like they have never seen before, which has ultimately led to more effective and timely data-driven decisions. We achieved this with popular open sourced JavaScript frameworks from Oracle and Facebook (Oracle Jet and React).

101010 Dairy Farmers of America Taking a Single Scoop of ERP & a Hosted Platform Presented at INFOCUS 19 Dairy Farmers of America chooses Denovo for Oracle JD Edwards 9.2 and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as their Go-Forward Strategy. In this session you will learn the obstacles that were overcome by Dairy Farmers of America (DFA),…

100630 JD Edwards Security Audit in the Cloud - Be Prepared for the Auditors! Presented at INFOCUS 19 CTB Inc., a leading global designer, manufacturer and marketer of agricultural systems and solutions is now prepared for the dreaded IT Audit on JD Edwards Security. IT security audits have always been painful, at best. We ask…