Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Flexible but Simple JDE Integrated World Class Web Shopping Solution Presented by Stoner, Inc. Session ID 100270, presented at INFOCUS 13   Web sales are an increasing part of our world. Hear how

B2B Multi-Country E-Commerce with 30,000+ Products-No Problem at DME Presented by Premier Group Session ID 100250, presented at INFOCUS 13   Presentation outlines DME's B2B E-Commerce strategy an

Wow - Have you seen One View Reporting? Presented by Denovo, LLC Session ID 100230, presented at INFOCUS 13   If you haven't taken One View Reporting for a spin - you need to. Come to this session an

From World A7.3 to E1_9.1. Was it Easy? Presented by Premier Group Session ID 100100, presented at INFOCUS 13   Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL) a leading manufacturer of gases, recently compl

JDE Project Success with Cloud-based, Mobile & Collaborative Project Management Presented by Premier Group Session ID 100090, presented at INFOCUS 13   Traditional vs. collaborative project m

Handling Objections to Doing an Upgrade Presented by Oracle Corp. Session ID 100020, presented at INFOCUS 13   This is an interactive discussion of how to layout and quantify the business case for ma

Technical Know-How: Implementing Security in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Presented by Q Software Global, Ltd. Session ID 000098, presented at INFOCUS 12   As with any major upgrade, JD Edwards E

Under the Covers of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Pages Presented by ERP-One Consulting, Inc. Session ID 000096, presented at INFOCUS 12   JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Pages provides a whole new integrate

Demystifying EnterpriseOne OneView Reporting Presented by ERP-One Consulting, Inc. Session ID 000095, presented at INFOCUS 12   One View Reporting introduces a new, embedded reporting solution to