Tag: PeopleSoft Financials

Oracle PeopleSoft Treasury-Taking Wells Fargo into 2020 Presented by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Elire, Inc., , Session ID 102340, presented at COLLABORATE 16 The successful implementation of PeopleSoft

Developing a Selection Adoption StrategyPresented by MIPRO ConsultingSession ID 101040, presented at COLLABORATE 16 PUM and Selective Adoption have significantly altered the PeopleSoft landscape in re

Peoplesoft Enterprise Learning Management: Overview and Roadmap for 2016 View a high level overview of Peoplesoft ELM functionality offered today as well as a glimpse into the future of ELM as a highl

Keith Olander, Director Oracle PeopleSoft Strategy, discusses the future current and future support plan for the PeopleSoft Manufacturing/Planning applications with the Quest SCM Special Interest Grou

PeopleSoft WorkCenters - A New User Experience for Administrators Presented by Lisa Chow, Oracle Duration: about 50 minutes Intended for PeopleSoft Users With organizations trying to do more with le

PeopleSoft Grants Sub-ledger Reconciliation_ Comparing Project Costing to the General Ledger Presented by Intermountain Healthcare Ensuring PeopleSoft's sub-ledgers are in balance with the General Le

Eye on the Future: A Success Story on Wells Fargo Consumer Home Lending Presented by Janet Division Wells Fargo and Grant Bernardy Elire Wells Fargo Consumer Home Lending is the national leading origi

Fluid 101 - The Basics of PeopleSoft 's New User Experience Presented by Oracle Many of you have heard the term Fluid but may not completely understand what it is or more importantly how it impacts y

Workflow for requisition and voucher approvals -- complexities of large vs. small hospitals Presented by Adventist Health This session will focus on the business reasons to customize the approver tabl