Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management

105180 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Is there additional information that you'd like to store in JDE but there is no place for it? Do you find yourself using multiple tools to review all of the information that you need?  Look no further, JDE offers supplmental data in 9 different systems within E1. This is a…

103410 Presented at INFOCUS 19 JD Edwards HCM is very robust but can be very labor intensive.  Mueller has been utilizing the new tools, in particular Orchestrator, to assist in simplifying our HR and Payroll processing.  This class will present some of what we have been able to accomplish to assist Payroll and HR with…

103370 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Hamilton Telecommunications is implementing JD Edwards Employee & Manager Self Service functionality.  These changes will affect in some way, each and every one of our employees.  This session will take you through our change management journey! Presented by Peggy Christensen, Hamilton Telecommunications

103310 Presented at INFOCUS 19 We will provide attendees an understanding of how the account numbers are structured in JDE and how how to automate using JDE standard AAI function. We will end the presentation with how to check the R05229 and troubleshoot when there are errors.Presented by Katie Lewis, Brasfield & Gorrie LLC

102760 Presented at INFOCUS 19 I would like to share some cool UI features from 9.1 and 9.2 such as Hover forms, Form Personalization, Form Extensions, Task Search, Group Search.... Also how we saved time using DWS Swift test, and some of the issues we ran into on the HCM side with the upgrade. Presented…

102070 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Hear the process MFA Oil took to create a Total Compensation Statement using BI Publisher and E1 that shows Employer and Employee costs broken down into Wages, Benefits, Retirement, and Other Compensation.Presented by Stephanie Mallory, MFA Oil Company

105290 Are you taking advantage of Changes Only Payrolls? Presented at INFOCUS 19 Learn the benefits of Changes Only within the Human Capital Management module to process payroll.  Go step by step through the process of updating payroll data in an active payroll through Changes Only. Presented by David Averett, Colas

  • Quest Editor
  • Whitepapers & presentations
  • 8/29/19

100350 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Existing JDE open enrollment process does not provide a user-friendly web interface and needed information on the screen for users to make sound decisions on the spot. As they enroll step by step with a cumbersome flow, they do not have a handy plan and premium information right there for…

103780 JDE Crossing Over: A Manufacturer's Story of Integration Across the Globe Presented at INFOCUS 19 Silgan, a leading packaging manufacturer, acquires organizations regularly with the latest being a multi-national group with manufacturing and distribution facilities across the globe.  Will Cokeley, Business Technology Leader & GM, will present his case study on how they successfully…

103370 Managing Change: An Employee & Manager Self Service Project Journey Presented at INFOCUS 19 Hamilton Telecommunications is implementing JD Edwards Employee & Manager Self Service functionality.  These changes will affect in some way, each and every one of our employees.  This session will take you through our change management journey! Presented by Peggy Christensen,…

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Whitepapers & presentations
  • 8/29/19