Tag: Oracle ERP Cloud

Jim Webb, Oracle Certified Implementation Specialist at CSS, wrote an Oracle blog about how small and medium businesses (SMBs) can modernize and improve both planning and forecasting with an integrated Cloud planning solution. 

Back-office tech continues to move in a more innovative direction. One important implementation of new tech is the inclusion of AI in back-office software; namely: ERP.

A recent blog, written by Angela Wilson, Senior Solutions Architect at CSS, dove into four ways that cloud-based procurement processes help small and medium businesses (SMBs) compete in today's digital era. 

Oct 23 @  11:00am

When you’re deciding how to invest precious capital, there are often difficult decisions to make. For IT investments one important decision is whether to obtain Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as a capital expense (CapEx) or as an operating expense (OpEx). This webcast will demystify commonly-held beliefs regarding capital to help you obtain the following…

As part of Quest’s 2019 Cloud Webinar Series – ERP Cloud Day, Oracle’s own Joyce Boland and Steve Cox spoke about the business risk and cost of technology obsolescence. The pair spoke addressed why companies that delay the adoption of Cloud and emerging technology risk losing ground to competitors and new entrants. Recent research from MIT Technology Review’s Insights team and examples from Oracle customers supplemented the presentation.

As enterprises move the cloud, they are forced to rethink many of the traditional concepts they have used to control costs in their on-premise IT estates. In this session learn about how the cloud gives enterprises more freedom and has the potential to offer more savings than on-premise. Learn about a wide range of scenarios…

Oct 15 @  3:30pm

As enterprises move the cloud, they are forced to rethink many of the traditional concepts they have used to control costs in their on-premise IT estates. In this session learn about how the cloud gives enterprises more freedom and has the potential to offer more savings than on-premise. Learn about a wide range of scenarios…

Migration to the SaaS has become a business imperative today to stay afloat in extremely competitive business landscape. Today, enterprise systems on the premises incur too much licensing and operations costs and capital expenditure, making them no longer attractive to growing organizations. Implementation of Oracle Cloud scales up the organization’s agility and operational efficiency. What…

Join us for a webinar, as we reveal five ways that manual processes for managing T&E spend are costing businesses big money and how automated web-based solutions plug these leaks.