Tag: JD Edwards Technology

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102130

In this session, we will give an overview of the features and functionality available within E1  9.2 tools for UX One and Orchestrator. We will focus on improving efficiency and working smarter to optimize repetitive processes and how to work smarter when working remotely or from home.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102420

How is your organization managing change and staying current? What does it mean to stay code current? This term has been very popular for the past couple of years, but we are all still struggling to define it and deliver. Join Chantelle for a discussion on identifying, planning, delivering a code current strategy.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104670

Spending a significant amount of time on manual, repetitive tasks? What if you could leverage your existing apps to drive next-gen business process automation? 

Explore how AtomIQ's action framework empowers all JDE business users with decision trees that automate repetitive tasks and initiate critical business events in real-time; with clock-like precision [all of this with No-Code and just a few clicks; to the delight of citizen developers]. AtomIQ eliminates complex; redundant steps performed by human users and streamlines them thereby cutting costs and saving time which is better invested elsewhere. You can enable disparate systems talk to each other and go about their daily tasks without having to wait for human intervention.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 103400

Are you using Orchestrator? Is this secured? See how to work towards a better security approach for your integrations using Orchestrator.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 103360

Do you have customers and/or suppliers also running JD Edwards? Get connected with Orchestrator!

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 100180

Consumers are exposed to AI every day. From Netflix recommendations to Google Maps routes, these uncannily accurate predictions are powered by machine learning algorithms and predictive models. This type of analytics can help companies run their businesses better, too.

To address this need, an innovative trend called augmented analytics has emerged to extend human intuition with computer-generated, data-driven insights. This new paradigm uses automated machine-learning algorithms and models to augment human intelligence throughout the full data analysis and decision-making process.

Learn how leading BI tools incorporate built-in machine learning capabilities that can be seamlessly integrated with JD Edwards. In this demo-filled glimpse into the future of analytics, we will illustrate some of the unbiased insights that can be gained from a common JDE infrastructure with AI-enabled advanced analytics, natural-language query, and generation, and smart data visualization.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 100550

Multiple departments one address book, how do you maintain control and maximize efficiency? In this session, we will explore how to create a workflow using Orchestrator in JD Edwards. This will include status updates, department routing/notifications, and an approval process. We will demonstrate real workflow process automation in the address book that anyone could use. We will show how to multiple JD Edwards features can be used together including Form Personalization, Form Extensions, and Orchestrator can be used together. We will also explore other areas these same principles can be applied to achieve process efficiencies across your organization.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102670

While Power Forms, Tab Controls, and Graph Controls have been available for some time in JDE, not many applications take full advantage of their power and capabilities. Come and see a demonstration of how to develop Power Forms with both Tab Controls and Graph Controls and see some real-life examples of their uses.

UX One Demo

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104460

In this live demo, we will show how easy it is to personalize and configure a role-based landing page and it's associated applications for a more effective and efficient user experience.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104350

Come to this session to see the newest JD Edwards innovation for the package build process. See how the entire package build process can be done from the web. Also learn how these improvements allow you to automate the package build process.