Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Dec 2 @  1:00pm

  This session is for users that want to natively integrate via APIs to read or write data to CRM systems as part of their automation initiatives. In this session you will hear from UiPath experts on: How to use the Integration Service and apply it in CRM use cases. How to create a connection…

Do you have any questions related to Composite Page? Join this session to get your questions answered from our panel of experts. 

Haiyan Wang, Oracle

This session will cover a collection of topics related to using Orchestrations to help automate various tasks in Enterprise One, including using Form Extensions for calling Orchestrations and bringing back data, Notifications with watchlists, Using Monitor for health checks.  We will also discuss some of the most common issues and solutions other Customers had encountered.  This session would be best suited for those already familiar with using and creating Orchestrations such as developers or superusers. 

Terry Pasqua, Oracle

Here's your opportunity to interact with members of the Orchestrator product development team. Bring your questions, and also your suggestions for enhancements. We're listening. 

AJ Schifano, Oracle

Getting to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.2 is easier than ever. Come to this session to understand how the improved upgrade process reduces the time and effort to upgrade to 9.2. You will be amazed at how quickly you can get to 9.2!

David Bilthuis, Oracle

JD Edwards has always been known as the #1 ERP of choice for Engineering and Construction customers, due to its overall natural integration across all modules in order to provide key costing information in a real-time format. However, there had always been a gap in required functionality to support joint venture arrangements…until now! JDE has created new joint venture functionality in order to continue to provide exceptional solutions in this arena. From creating both internal and external legal entities and establishing % ownerships, to calculating and managing the distributable amounts for each JV partner, JD Edwards now has the flexibility to assist with managing your JV needs! Join us as we review this new functionality, from configuration / setup through reviewing specific examples in order to demonstrate the new forecasting features. If you are already a JDE Job Cost user or if you are in the construction industry, this is one session that you won’t want to miss!

Craig Davied, Grant Thornton

During this session you will learn how IDEX Corporation completed a JDE tools upgrade and became code current for 25+ environments (business units) in a complex infrastructure in less than a day.

Challenges associated with tools updates and code currency to 25+ environments and ways to address them for Go Live
How to prepare for non-Production testing
Ways to improve down time requirements for the Production cutover
Tools and code current to DV, CRP for all 25+ environments

Bryan Thompson, GSI

How can I search for a customer address record based on their city, state and zip? How can I narrow down my item lookup in purchase order entry to only view items for my specific vendor? The answer used to be "you can't without an enhancement" - there were some workarounds, but nothing that completely met the business need. And then along came EnterpriseOne Search! This UDO allows custom searches to be built, including over multiple business views or tables, so that you can provide lookups on the fields that the users need, display only the data that is useful, and allow selection of records directly from the search. The E1 Search can be used in almost any application or functional area - this session will be based in Distribution applications, but that's a limitation of the time we have and not the tool itself!

Bernadette Durham, Terillium

Using a real business cases, this session will demonstrate the use of Orchestrator to mass Approve Batches “In Use” or “Pending” Status.

Jerry Salazar, Syntax

Having a proper plan/model in place for Application and Action security is great! However, are you able to segregate your Company and Business Unit access properly? Are you using Row Security in the correct manor: Inclusive or Exclusive Mode?

Join GSI to take a deeper look into Row Security and the intricacies that are involved in properly securing your CO and BU data.

Review and understand Row Security: Inclusive vs Exclusive Mode.
Discuss options to implement Row Security and segregate access appropriately.
Outline and discuss intercompany transactions and how Type 9: Exclusive Application security can be utilized to overcome Row Security access issues.
Describe options for implementing a Best Practice Row Security model

Kyle Gray, GSI