Tag: Customer Relationship Management

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3 Presented by Hennepin County Session ID 102890, presented at COLLABORATE 15 Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Competency Management at Faribault Foods Presented by Faribault Foods, Inc. Session ID 102450, presented at COLLABORATE 15 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Competency Management a

Cloud, JDE and the Internet of Things - Connecting the Dots Presented by Denovo, LLC Session ID 102100, presented at COLLABORATE 15 Cloud, JDE and the Internet of Things - Connecting the Dots

Case Study-Westfield Group Approach to Health Care Reform Presented by Westfield Group, Inc. Session ID 100350, presented at COLLABORATE 15   Case Study-Westfield Group approach to health care r

Order out of Chaos: JDE and Automic Applications Manager Scheduler Presented by Lafarge, Inc Session ID 100190, presented at COLLABORATE 15 Order out of Chaos: JDE and Automic Applications Manager

PUM: Getting into the Weeds with Children's Hospital Colorado Presented by Children's Hospital Colorado Session ID 100130, presented at COLLABORATE 15 PUM: Getting into the Weeds with Children's H

Mobilization of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Maintenance Presented by Oracle Corp. Session 108990, given at COLLABORATE 14   This session is available to CUSTOMER MEMBERS ONLY. Vendor members and sub