Tag: Management

Highly effective and productive teams are built on a foundation of trust. Without it, teams are unlikely to engage in unfiltered, passionate debate about key issues—or speak up when mistakes are made, there is confusion, or there is a need for help. Said another way, when vulnerable trust is lacking … our already complex transformation initiatives risk failure before they even begin!

Join former four-time CIO and best-selling author of People Before Things, Chris Laping, in this 60-minute webinar to learn how you can identify if your project team lacks vulnerable trust.

This session is part of the Quest Spring 2022 Learning Series: Transformation and Modernization. View the additional series sessions here.

Apr 16 @  11:00am

A necessary upgrade. A new integration. Saving time and money through implementing workflow. Whatever the project, it started with great intentions. Everyone was excited to get started. Then, things started to go off the rails. People started blaming the technology, the vendor, the environment, each other. You heard cries of, “When will this ever end?”…

Apr 14 @  2:00pm

One of the more precious resources anyone has is his or her time. In order to be effective in business you need to be efficient with your time and priorities. Effective time management skills are the key to getting the most out of each day and surviving the increasing business pressures of "doing more with…