Tag: PeopleSoft Human Capital Management

There have been significant laws passed in Europe and the United States around confidential data protection for applicants and employees. Attend this Quest session to learn about the delivered features in PeopleSoft HCM that will help you with managing sensitive and personally identifiable information. We will share what PeopleSoft HCM currently provides for data deletion…

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 1/24/20
Jan 21 @  11:00am

There have been significant laws passed in Europe and the United States around confidential data protection for applicants and employees. Attend this Quest session to learn about the delivered features in PeopleSoft HCM that will help you with managing sensitive and personally identifiable information. We will share what PeopleSoft HCM currently provides for data deletion…

As part of the PeopleSoft HCM Configuration Series, Oracle's own Julie Alonso and Joe Willever presented on delivered features in PeopleSoft HCM that will help you with managing sensitive and personally identifiable information. The pair shared what PeopleSoft HCM currently provides for data deletion and employee content as well as how to leverage the recently enhanced Page & Field Configurator to allow your organization to mask any data field in PeopleSoft.

Jan 15 @  2:00pm

WorkStrategy will provide attendees with an overview of some key concepts and implementation tips for the Talent Management and new OnBoarding modules. Presenters will review the latest features in the following modules: Profile Management, OnBoarding, ePerformance, Succession & Career Planning, and Reporting tools. Come hear about some of the latest PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 enhancements including…

A recent PeopleSoft Spotlight Series video walked through PeopleSoft OnBoarding and provided a feature overview and walked through how to set up OnBoarding, manage OnBoarding activities. The video also provided a demonstration of how to complete an OnBoarding process. 

PeopleSoft OffBoarding provides a simple and intuitive way to help employees, managers, and others with the important tasks required when an employee leaves your organization.

Access all 14 Quest Experience Week PeopleSoft session recordings. Purchase now.

Nov 20 @  2:00pm

  WorkStrategy will review 9.2 HCM self service functionality including recent PUM enhancements and features. Presenters will discuss customer case studies, project planning, reporting and workflow tools, and configuration options for homepages, navigation collections, and tiles. A partial list of topics covered will include Employee and Manager Self Service, eBenefits and Life Events, OnBoarding, Employee…

In PeopleSoft HCM, the PeopleSoft Business Partners feature lets you define specific people in your organization to serve as Human Resources liaisons for groups of employees. You can define groups by work location, business unit, department, job, last name, or any other criteria. The liaisons, or business partners, can be HR generalists or specialists like payroll business partners, benefits business partners, etc. If you have a shared HR service center model, you can define your organization's HR representatives and define the employees they serve.

Access all 14 Quest Experience Week PeopleSoft session recordings. Purchase now.