Tag: JD Edwards Financials

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102920

Facing expiring support, non-standardized processes, under-utilized functionality, and an obsolete chart of accounts and security module chart of accounts, the Alameda County Water District (ACWD) made substantial changes to their JD Edwards ERP system.  The move presented not only significant technical challenges, but procedural and cultural challenges, as well.  Broad organizational changes are not only demanding, but are frequently accompanied by skepticism about the likelihood of success.  Due to planning and hard work, the result would be greater efficiency and cost-cutting at exactly the time ACWD would need them the most – in the middle of a drought and severe water shortage that would significantly impact revenue.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102560

For the last 6 months, we have transitioned our JDE IT team of analysts and developers from a purely ticket support model to an Agile model, with daily standups, a backlog, User Stories, and capacity planning. We are by no means perfect, but this new way of working together and with the business has helped us to better collaborate with our team and with our business partners to prioritize work and focus on what the organization needs most. We’d like to share some lessons learned in hopes that others can benefit from our experience in supporting their JDE Users.

EAM SIG Meeting

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 102280

Join us for our annual EAM SIG meeting!

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104250

JD Edward has transformed the traditional user experience to increase productivity. But when you have non-traditional or external users what is the best interface for these users? This roundtable will provide collaboration on how customers solve this challenge and driver requirements for future product improvements.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104570

Having the proper system configuration ensures system availability, increase performance, and reduces possible issues. In this session, JD Edwards product development will share best practices to ensure that your system is correctly configured.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 103890

This session will provide a demonstration of how to activate the new G/L Batch Status History functionality available in Financials as well as a quick tour of the application you can use to audit your batch activity.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 103600

Learn how Interface remains code current with its JDE application for the continuous adoption of new features and functionality. In this session, we’ll show you how Interface delivers new innovative solutions, such as process automation, to your business, fast.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 101610

JD Edwards E1 Fixed Assets is a robust product that provides not only the ability to track and depreciate your company's assets, but also serves as the foundation for other related modules such as Service and Warranty Management or Equipment and Plant Maintenance.

Frequently Fixed Asset duties get assigned to a staff accountant who can become quickly overwhelmed with the differences in functionality and the intricacies of Fixed Assets accounting vs. General Ledger accounting.

This review will discuss the JD Edwards Fixed Assets system as a true Subledger and its unique features. Common misunderstandings, its unique architecture and functionality will be detailed in terms of the differences accounting personnel will need to be aware of in their day to day work.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 104240

We all know how powerful orchestrations can be when invoked by external entities, such as the Internet of Things devices, third-party systems, and mobile devices. But what if the "thing" that invokes an orchestration is EnterpriseOne itself? This session will discuss three ways in which EnterpriseOne can be the "thing" that launches an orchestration---B98ORCH business function, P98ORCH application, and form extensions---and how to decide which way is best to meet your requirements.

Presented at INFOCUS 20

Session ID: 101650

A deeper dive into the JD Edwards Lease Accounting functionality for Lessees. During the session, we will discuss the new functionality and all associated impacts on people and processes.  Recent case studies will be utilized to highlight key challenges, opportunities, and benefits from clients who have adopted the functionality.