Tag: Oracle Cloud Applications

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Chris Coy, Vice President of HR Reporting and Data Management at Macy's, discussed a two-year project they are in called HR Reinvent. Macy's is reorganizing and reinventing their entire HR structure, Chris shared their plan of attack, noting that they are minimizing expenses long-term, providing refreshed and new functionality and that the system is flexible and intuitive to the user's need.

We recently had the opportunity to meet with Chris Coy, Vice President of HR Reporting and Data Management at Macy’s to discuss a two-year project they are in called HR Reinvent. Macy’s is reorganizing and reinventing their entire HR structure, and Chris was willing to share more about their project with me.

To increase revenues and decrease costs, leaders need to innovate. They need to do different things that make a difference over what they did in years past. And, they need to do things better. Therefore, realizing strong investment returns from adding or moving to the cloud is not as simple as merely picking vendors and running successful projects.

A successful cloud adoption strategy enables competitive innovation and organizational agility. Simultaneously, that strategy reduces time and budget risks.

We see among Quest members and the broader technology marketplace four profiles of cloud adoption. Learn more.