Tag: PeopleSoft Enterprise

There seems to be much confusion around what the benefits of process mining software are compared to off-the-shelf business intelligence BI and which is more valuable for making business decisions. While there are several good BI tools available in the market today, they all come with a certain set of drawbacks; You need to have a skilled IT person who has experience creating business reports, and that individual needs to have domain knowledge, be a subject matter expert, on the topic of the report or you run the risk of the numbers that get presented not truly reflecting the state of the business and will not help with making fact-based decisions.

Presented by James Henderson, mindzie, inc.

Check out the 2021 PeopleSoft Community Insight – a compilation of customer success stories and resources for the PeopleSoft community. This year’s magazine focuses on stories about improving user experience, implementing Fluid user interface, and undergoing remote updates during COVID-19.

If you are interested in sharing a success story with the community, please reach out to [email protected]!

At RECONNECT Envision 2021, MIPRO Consulting’s Larry Zagata, Managing Partner, VP Delivery, and Jeff Micallef, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, presented how to align organizational objectives with your PeopleSoft investment. The presentation focused on the perspective of C-level/management.

Zagata and Micallef shared a tailored process for enabling an organization to leverage PeopleSoft’s capabilities in order to maximize value and investment.  They also discussed a method for defining organizational objectives, mapping those objectives to capabilities in PeopleSoft, and prioritizing and defining projects to achieve results based on business benefit and feasibility.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Session ID: 101680

Delivered many times to all size organizations, MIPRO will share our tailored process for enabling an organization to leverage PeopleSoft’s capabilities in order to maximize value and investment.  MIPRO will discuss a method to define organizational objectives, map those objectives to capabilities in PeopleSoft, prioritize and define projects to achieve results based on business benefit and feasibility.  If your organization would like to better take advantage of new features and functions delivered by Oracle, this presentation will provide you with an approach your organization can leverage.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Session ID: 100540

2020 introduced a myriad of risks to PeopleSoft data, largely from remote and mobile access requirements stemming from COVID-19. Organizations must now shift their focus from short-term risk mitigation to long-term risk management. After all, phishing, application vulnerabilities, data privacy mandates, and a host of other attack vectors are only becoming more concerning.

Join the PeopleSoft security experts at Appsian as they walk through the top risks to your business data in 2021 and how to efficiently implement a modern risk management strategy that is designed to scale alongside the needs of your business.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Session ID: 100660

After Kaiser Permanente’s upgrade to 9.2 it took nearly 1 year to revise thousands of job aids in UPK, not including any of the See it!/Try It! training guides in KP's learning repository.  These job aids quickly became obsolete as we embarked on our Fluid journey.  Looking for better way to not only keep learning resources current, but more importantly a better way to train users, KP decided to implement Oracles Guided Learning solution.

Kaiser Permanente implemented Oracle Guided Learning over a 14-month period.  Guided Learning is Oracle’s in-application tool that walks users step-by-step through transactions. In other words, users are learning while doing an actual transaction in Production.  Oracle introduced Guided Learning with its Cloud offerings but can back-port it to ERP.  Working with Oracle, KP created over 340 Guides across 14 PeopleSoft Finance and Supply Chain modules.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Come to this session ready to ask questions of the PeopleSoft leadership team. The PeopleSoft executives will be joined by the product strategy leads for all application areas and PeopleTools and technology. Get your questions answered on topics ranging from product roadmaps and strategic investments to technology initiatives and how to evaluate your options with PeopleSoft in the cloud. Attend and make sure you get your top of mind questions answered by the PeopleSoft product team.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Session ID: 101020

Organizations need to collaborate and grow while reducing costs. Attend this session to get an update of continuous innovations within Oracle's PeopleSoft ERP that support collaboration between business and financial operations leveraging new technologies, expanded visibility, and automated business flows. Come and see the PeopleSoft ERP value to your stakeholders to improve productivity, empower users with new reporting tools to make timely decisions, and reduce costs of operations through new technologies. This session also showcases the roadmap for PeopleSoft ERP planned through the delivery of PeopleSoft update images to support the collaboration and productivity needed for your organization’s cost reductions and growth.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Session ID: 101000

In this session, it’s your opportunity to provide feedback real-time to the PeopleSoft product strategy and management team. Rebekah Jackson, Vice President of PeopleSoft Product Strategy, will take advantage of the digital conference platform to host a uniquely interactive session to solicit your input and generate a dialog on PeopleSoft’s investment strategy and product roadmap. You will have an opportunity to share your thoughts on the strategic areas we are focused on – from Analytics and the User Experience to Cloud and Lifecycle Management. What is adding value to your organization? What hurdles are you facing that need more focus from the PeopleSoft product team? Come to this session prepared to share your perspectives based on your organization’s experience with PeopleSoft and what you learn from Reconnect Envision – and see what your peers have to say.

Presented at RECONNECT Envision 2021

Session ID: 101120

PeopleSoft Strategists aren’t the only visionaries who can determine how their products will evolve going forward. PeopleSoft Customers and Implementation Partners who are “in the trenches” hear of trends and a constantly changing landscape in the Industry. Come to this session and hear from a customer (or possibly 2 customers) what their executives may want in order to keep their users empowered and productive while achieving the organization’s financial goals. We will also interview one of our Implementation Partners so they can share what sorts of business process strategies and visions are top-most in the minds of the C-level Executives they meet while engaged in PeopleSoft implementations.