Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Get Your Head in the Clouds! Presented by The Weitz Company Session ID 99470, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Are you considering deploying cloud solutions for your JD Edwards environment? How do you l

Can I use Credit Cards with JD Edwards World? Presented by Computer Discoveries, Inc. Session ID 99460, presented at COLLABORATE 12   I have significant investment in JDE. I am happy with World and w

What in the 'World' Should I Do? Presented by BRIJ Session ID 99280, presented at COLLABORATE 12   This session, for both JD Edwards World technical and business users, will help you understand the o

JD Edwards World Financials Enhancements You Won't Hear About Elsewhere Presented by Turner Industries Group Session ID 99070, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Here is a small sample of all the EXTRAs y

UPK - Create Your Own Content Presented by The Armstrong Group of Companies Session ID 98980, presented at COLLABORATE 12   We are a group of companies that include: Utilities, Security Services, Rea

Managing Co-op Funds/Reward Points Using JD Edwards Presented by Trex Company, Inc. Session ID 98910, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Trex company will show you how they converted a spreadsheet based c

Project Success with Agile and Collaboration Presented by Trissential Session ID 98900, presented at COLLABORATE 12   Come learn some new techniques and how to leverage agile project management techn