Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Learn how one manufacturing company running on 9.2 simplified the order to ship process including bulk sales order cancellation based on status, automatic calculation of check-digits, and bill of lading commodity calculation using native JDE tools.

Bhaskar Suryawanshi, Circular Edge

Often companies grow through mergers and acquisitions.  This can have IT organizations suddenly having to improve their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Architecture to support hundreds of additional users.   Learn how to architect your EnterpriseOne system for growth and high availability.

Allen Jacot, Syntax

Still on the fence about upgrading from World to EnterpriseOne? While there are numerous benefits for users, it still requires significant planning to be successful. There can be substantial change in all three areas (people, process, and technology) that will need to be addressed. If each is not given enough consideration, the results could be painful. Join us as we discuss a recent World to E1 upgrade projects, in hopes that it will prepare you for your upcoming project. We will discuss a recent case study in order to help provide more perspective. Some of the primary benefits were that it allowed the business the opportunity to redesign business processes, eliminate numerous software customizations that were not cost justified to maintain, redesign their entire security model, and automate several interfaces / manual processes thru utilizing the new Orchestrator capabilities. Join us as we discuss our recent upgrade experience in order to help prepare you for your journey! 

Craig Davied, Grant Thornton

This JDE E1 security round table will educate you on the new types of security that JDE provides to round out your infrastructure security plan.   An Oracle representative will be in attendance to help us discuss and list enhancement ideas for where the software may have holes.

Linda Nelson, ALLOut Security

Come to this session to see the newest JD Edwards innovation for the package build process. See how the entire package build process can be done from the web. Also, learn how these improvements enable you to automate the package build process.

Shawn Martine, Oracle

Not all requirements can be covered with the JD Edwards extensibility frameworks. For those scenarios that still require customizations, JD Edwards has greatly simplified the deployment and management of the development client. This session will detail these improvements.

Jason Rice, Oracle

As the entire industry is inclined toward a low-code/no-code approach, we at JD Edwards are also aligned with this approach. With our extensibility and personalization frameworks, users can now make changes on the glass rather than going to the development client to make code-level changes. Do you have any questions related to extensibility frameworks? Join this session to get your questions answered from our panel of experts.

Oruganti Naga Srihari, Oracle

Come to this session to have an open question and answer discussion about JD Edwards mobile strategy.

Ervin Rhodes, Oracle

Discover a new user experience!  The JD Edwards Employee Organization Chart powered by Oracle JET technology enables users to view and work with employee information and organization structures in an intuitive modern interface.   See the demo today, learn how easy it is to implement, and start using it to interact with your organization tomorrow!

Mike Jepkes, Oracle

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 11/22/21

Discover a new user experience!  JD Edwards Rental Item Availability, powered by Oracle JET technology leverages an intuitive Gantt interface to view and work with items rented, committed, and available for rent for the time frame that you specify.  See the demo today, learn how easy it is to implement, and start using it to manage rentals tomorrow!

Channa Reddy Agnal, Oracle

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 11/22/21